Oracular Insights Offered! Impossible Conundrums Untangled! Code Debugged and Internet Explorer Understood At Last!*
We’ve all been there…it seemed like a simple job. A little ecommerce site or a nifty bit of coding to do that thing which is just a tiny bit different than what you’ve written before. And then The Nightmare happens. Some piece of what should have been a straightforward puzzle just won’t fit, and you find yourself searching ghost town forums full of questions but no answers while the seconds tick down to your deadline. Your eyes bleed from searching for syntax errors. You have a serious problem.
But it’s going to be OK.
Here at Ponderwell, we’re well acquainted with the myriad forms The Nightmare can take. And we’ve been beating it, both for ourselves and other programmers, for years. So when you find yourself stuck and need a friendly hand out of the abyss, you can call us in. We won’t tell anyone; your code remains your code and we work strictly behind the scenes. And if we can’t solve your problem, you owe us nothing.
Fine Print:
What you do: Fill out the form below. Don’t worry, it’s secure…but if you’re not comfortable giving sensitive information to folks you don’t know yet, we understand; just make sure you fill out the phone number/chat/Skype contact so we can get the information we need from you. Please try to give us an accurate summary of the problem, including what steps you’ve already taken to address it.
What we do: If we’re available, someone will be in touch with you via your preferred method of contact as soon as we get your message. We’ll probably ask a lot of questions in order to make sure we completely understand the problem and have all the necessary information to solve it. If we’re not immediately available, someone will be in touch with you as quickly as possible to let you know when we can address your problem, so that you can decide if you’d like us to slot you in. Once accepted, we will give your problem the highest priority and immediately begin looking for the solution.
And then what? Our rate for emergency problem solving is $150/hour, one hour minimum. We will check in with you regularly throughout the process (at least once an hour), so that you know what we’re doing and can make informed decisions about the point at which you feel comfortable taking back over. We’ll make sure you understand what we’ve done to fix the problem, so that next time you encounter it you won’t have to call. And that’s it. Problem solved.
*OK…no one actually understands IE, but we have a Vodoun Priest on staff who can sometimes get an inkling…
[contact-form-7 id=”795″ title=”Request For Emergency Bailout”]
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