Author: Amie Tracey

is a cat.

HTML5 already works somewhat

HTML5 is no radical departure from it’s predecessors. It offers aids to better semantic markup and embedded content, useful form validation, and a little less depreciated cruft. Most importantly it provides the platform for CSS3, about which more in a later article. But the best thing about html5 is that you can have it now, without sacrificing browser compatibility. Take a look over here where I’ve recoded Ponderwell’s site in html5. That was an afternoon’s work, and the result was sufficiently encouraging that I think I’ll be using html5 exclusively from now on. It works just fine even in IE6 – or rather, it works as well as any site ever does in that horrible browser.

Fruit harvesting using graudit

graudit is a great tool to find low hanging security issues with your PERL, PHP, Python, JSP, and even .Net scripts. But, it should not be used solely to report for issues as it lacks the capabilities to find most real security issues.

PHP5 stdClass assignment gotcha

PHP5 is not an Object Oriented Language, but just the same it is being used as and OOL, and it has language constructs which facilitate that. If you’re like me, though, you tend to use stdClass objects not as simple class instances but as PHP’s answer to what is called a record or struct in other languages. This can cause confusion, especially when assignment doesn’t go quite as planned.

Adobe hits us again.

Adobe added the Launch command to the PDF spec in 2008. Since then, attacks using this command have surfaced and we explain a sample attack along with how to disable the Launch feature to protect your environment from this type of attack.