I’m working on a subscription site in WordPress for a client, and they are using cart66 as the shopping cart, and MailPress as the mailing list software. I needed a way to automatically sign up new Cart66 accounts to the Mailpress users. This tiny plugin does just that: [php] <?php /* Plugin Name: Cart66 MailPress… Read more »
Category: Technical Tips
Google OAuth2 Class for Phil Sturgeon’s Codeigniter Spark
There’s a lovely Codeigniter Spark by Phil Sturgeon which does OAuth2 login for Facebook and GitHub and Windows Live. The spark is here. I’d set it up for Facebook a month ago, on our dev site for the Community Media Project. Then yesterday and this morning I checked the spark again, still no Google auth,… Read more »
Simple caching in Zend Framework
A couple of years ago Ponderwell built a site on Zend Framework (ZF) as a bit of fun. It’s been moderately successful, getting a steady flow of traffic, but every now and then it catches people’s imagination and gets a huge spike of traffic which makes the server fall over. We needed caching. ZF has… Read more »
Converting SVG Paths to Objective-C Paths – Updated Again!

Further update: Ariel over at arivibes.com has turned this into a GitHub project and, I believe, greatly improved it: HERE Update: Bob Monaghan from Glue Tools LLC was kind enough to clean up some memory leaks, make the thing compatible with OS X as well as iOS and put in some positioning of the… Read more »
Perils of Design: @font-face and Legendum
When @font-face CSS font replacement became supported by enough major browsers to get designers off the “web safe” font treadmill, most of us took a quiet moment to cry a small tear of relief. We knew it would have challenges, we knew that Internet Explorer would demand we did something extra and finicky to cushion… Read more »
How to use HTML in WordPress’s widget’s title
If you want to use HTML in the title of any of the standard wordpress built-in widgets, you’ll find that the WordPress core doesn’t have any support for this. The functions that create these widgets hard code a PHP strip_tags() function call into them, making it impossible to remove in your functions.php file with something… Read more »
WordPress Featured images, and custom image sizes
I recently built a site that let me explore the relatively new WordPress features of post thumbnails, along with the ability to auto scale/crop images while they are getting uploaded to WordPress. The site, ImageAsheville, called for an unusual design, one similar to the fantastic AutoFocus WordPress theme (which I used as a basis for… Read more »
CodeIgniter, Pagination and SEO… How to NoIndex CI pagination.
After building a site using CodeIgniter’s pagination library, our SEO team let us know that search engines was spidering deep down our pagination, and all those pages were diluting the link juice of our site. The other problem is that our html title tag was identical for the search queries, no matter how deep into… Read more »
Starting a Web Design / Programming Firm
I was recently asked by an acquaintance what it took to start a design/programming firm, as he was considering getting into the business. I’ve learned a few things about it, having run a one-man company, and now a company that now has four staff, and hires out bits of work that we don’t have the… Read more »
CodeIgniter XSS Protection is good, but not enough by itself.
I have been looking at CodeIgniter lately mainly because a lot of my colleagues are using it already. As with most frameworks, I usually start using the framework in a project and then as I am developing the application, I notice some issues with the framework. One such case is with CodeIgniter’s built-in XSS protection. This functionality is quite nice (at least they included it in the framework) but there are some issues with using it that developers should be aware of.